Saturday, April 14, 2012

Red hair - the debate!?

Why are guys with red hair so resented? Shurely its just a colour? Girls with red hair seem to be more acceptable, whats the big deal i say?

Red hair - the debate!?

This has bothered me for ages, what is wrong with people. One guy told me that he wouldn鈥檛 sleep with a girl if she had red hair.

I said: what if she died her hair

He said: the minger would still have red pubic hair

I said: what if she died all her hair

He said: Errrmmm鈥ell, I can鈥檛 remember, but you get my point.

People are innately prejudiced. If we notice something is uncommon amounts us, we discredit it. Abilities, accents, body figures, height, Skin or hair colour. Sometimes I think the human race is longing, and heading for complete uniformity.

Red hair - the debate!?

I dont know. But I love red hair...on a girl or a guy.

Red hair - the debate!?

Nothing, u can have ur hair any couler u like lol

Red hair - the debate!?

I disagree, my favorite hair color for men is red. My favorite guy has red hair. I love red-headed men!!!!

Red hair - the debate!?

they have extremely pale skin, freckles, extremely soft skin and sweat alot. am fishin

Red hair - the debate!?

I like men with red hair and freckles! I think that their smart and interesting. I'm more so into personality! I'm not saying I would date a bugga bear. But personality means much more and if he has red hair then so be it! My hair is red too and according to everyone, I look good. I am a Black Red Headed Queen! (Real Female) LOL!

Red hair - the debate!?

I dated this guy with red hair once. It wasn't super red, but it was red and he was SO hot! I couldn't help myself. Had a great personality too. Not sure what happened there, probably met my future husband and no one else mattered. He was a HUNK!

Red hair - the debate!?

I'm partial to pink. But I believe red is beautiful!

Red hair - the debate!?

I don't know. I have red hair. Old ladies in nursing homes really love it. But I've not had anybody my age tell me they like it other than my wife. As far as that goes I've not had anybody tell me they don't like it.

Red hair - the debate!?

so true, my momma has red hair and she is beautiful as are most red headed women. but red headed men are most of the time pale and freckled- not my idea of attractive. sorry

Red hair - the debate!?

Dont know why but women with red hair are unbelievabley sexy. I cant tell you exactly why it is but their is a certain allure about women with red hair. A average normal looking girl with red hair is turned into a pretty girl. Sad.... you bet it is, but it is also true

Red hair - the debate!?

Well, to be honest, if I loved a man with red hair, I wouldn't dump him just for his hair..that's crazy. But by first perception, I usually think red hair goes better with women because:

1. I see it way more often on women than men

2. It, to me, is a more feminine color (and on guys it is usually accompanied with freckles and very pale skin)

Red hair - the debate!?

The difference between a redhead and a blonde:

A redhead is a blonde from hell.

The difference betweena blonde and a redhead:

A blonde is a redhead with all the fire burned out of her.

By: Amber Rae

Redheads are just blondes with high blood pressure


How can you tell if a redhead has been using your computer?

By the hammer embedded in the monitor.

What's a redhead's idea of the shortest way to a man's heart?

Through the breastbone.

You know what a red head is, right?

A blonde with an attitude!

Dixie S. Lowen

Do you know why Blondes have more fun?

Because there is not enough Red Heads around.

BY: Pauline K.

How do you start an argument with a redhead?

Say something.

Blondes have been laughed at too long; it's our turn now.

Mike Murphy

A blonde and a redhead met in a bar after work for a drink, and were

watching the 6 O'clock news. A man was shown threatening to jump from the Brooklyn Bridge.

The blonde bet the redhead $50 that he wouldn't jump, and the redhead

replied, "I'll take that bet!" Anyway, sure enough, he jumped, so the blonde

gave the redhead the $50.

The redhead said "I can't take this, you're my friend".

The blonde said "No. A bet's a bet".

So the redhead said "Listen, I have to admit, I saw this on the 5 O'clock

news, so I can't take your money".

"Well, so did I", said the blonde, "but I never thought he'd jump again!"

Red hair - the debate!?

Dont worry I love all fire crouches!

Red hair - the debate!?

Ok i would just like to say that I am a red head...and I am no more accepted than the guy in my year thats also a red head! everyone takes the mick out of us! I gernerally dont care, but he seems too. one of the most "popular" guys in 6 form is a red head so i wouldnt say they are any more or less reented than girls.

and yes it is just a colour...but try telling society that!!!

we are different...we stand out...and that what other people hate.

hope this helped! x

Red hair - the debate!?

What about Danny Bonaduce ? He's a cool guy with red hair.

I guess it's just the interpretation that red hair and pale skin is supposed to be a feminine trait.

But no, there are alot of famous men with red hair, just don't grow a long red beard, as that looks nasty.

Red hair - the debate!?

I love red hair. I think it looks cool.

Red hair - the debate!?

Don't know its a joke that has stuck red haired girls get it to have a t shirt which says she's a red haired ***** and i hate her its from the book shopaholic and baby and if you had one made about brown hair I won't mind

Red hair - the debate!?

My brother has red hair and shaves it so not to get the stick.

It is a shame you went though that as a kid and still are,

it's down to the parents from an early age not to be like that and it wrong to make children with red hair feel they are different, their not (some people pay good money for the colour) No big deal, be happy

Red hair - the debate!?

Sure and it is just a colour mate. I've ginger hair and never had any trouble because of it.

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