Thursday, April 26, 2012

Does red hair look ok w/ brown eyes?

i have dark brown eyes and i was gonna dye my hair orange/red or a rusty red wat do you think???

Does red hair look ok w/ brown eyes?

G'day Snickers,

Thank you for your question.

It looks pretty good on the right girl and I am sure that it would look pretty good on you. It is worth giving it a go and see how it looks.

You can always go back to your previous colour if it doesn't work. You didn't advise what colour it currently is.


Does red hair look ok w/ brown eyes?

Yes and think of them as Cinnamon colored eyes. It is more romantic.

Does red hair look ok w/ brown eyes?

well ummm actually red hair usually looks better on blue eyed girls/women but if your willing to try that's fine! im sure it will look okay!

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