Saturday, April 14, 2012

Why does my hair look red in the sun?

My hair for the most part looks kind of like black, but it also looks kind of burgundy. Especially in the sunlight. It looks kind of red. It isn't brown, but it looks more like a reddish-brown. I also have freckles. I always thought that I had black hair, but is it possible that I am a red head? Red hair runs in my family.

Why does my hair look red in the sun?

well if you dye your hair its because of all the colors/dyes that go into that dye to make it black, if your hair is naturally black its because the suns rays are reflecting back red to the naked eye, its the brightness of the suns rays and the pigment in the hair which is protein, i hope you understand what i am trying to say. :)

Why does my hair look red in the sun?

Maybe you took some kind of hairspray that looks like it's black, but it really turns them red.

Why does my hair look red in the sun?

It's very possible that you are a red head. Hair color is made up of the three primary colors red, blue, and yellow. It is possible that red is the dominate color in your hair.

I've been a licensed cosmetologist for thirty years.

Hope this helps.

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