Saturday, April 14, 2012

Red heads, what are your thoughts of the report of the red hair gene about to be extinct and having

organization to prevent the extinct by pairing off red haired men and red haired women together so that they have red haired, allowing the red hair gene to continue.

I don't think the red hair gene is ever going to be extinct because when you have one parent with red hair and another with a different hair color your children will either get a mixture of both your hair or one or the other hair color.

I don't think telling all red heads that they should look only for other red heads as mates just for the sake of continuing to have the red hair gene exist.

Not everyone's preference is the same, you can't expect red haired women to only want red haired men because they could be attracted to men with blond, brown or black hair.

Same goes with red haired men.

Red heads, what are your thoughts of the report of the red hair gene about to be extinct and having an?


I'm a natural red head and I'm not going to limit my choosing of a potential soul mate and future father of my children due to the color of their hair for sake of having the red hair gene exist...I find that report so odd... It's funny to think that red heads will eventually not exist...hmm...

Red heads, what are your thoughts of the report of the red hair gene about to be extinct and having an?

dont wory about for red hair it comes form vitamien less dont bother about u r grandmother words ok but i like red hairs Report It

Red heads, what are your thoughts of the report of the red hair gene about to be extinct and having an?

They will not go extinct, and if they did, its really not that important.

Red heads, what are your thoughts of the report of the red hair gene about to be extinct and having an?

I dont think it will go extinct. I have auburn hair but my mom has black hair and my father brown.

Red heads, what are your thoughts of the report of the red hair gene about to be extinct and having an?

Yes, we need an organization. Maybe Gingers United or something.

Red heads, what are your thoughts of the report of the red hair gene about to be extinct and having an?

thats about as dumb as Missisippi not wanting to serve fat people!

Red heads, what are your thoughts of the report of the red hair gene about to be extinct and having an?

i think some red heads would be glad,

Red heads, what are your thoughts of the report of the red hair gene about to be extinct and having an?

it won't happen,redheads rock!

Red heads, what are your thoughts of the report of the red hair gene about to be extinct and having an?



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