Monday, April 16, 2012

Red Hair What is the meaning?

What is the meaning of red hair? Can anyone tell me? From the begining of the written word writter write about it but is there a meaning in some parts of the world of the past and now of RED HAIR.

Red Hair What is the meaning?

people with red hair, back in the history were either considered treacherous, traitors, and of the worst kind. in biblical times, judas had red hair. in the middle ages, witches had red the modern times, if u have red hair, ure irish. haha!

Red Hair What is the meaning?

I have never heard such a thing. Its just hair for chrizzzztst sake.

Red Hair What is the meaning?

I believe that red hair means you're of Irish or Ukrainian descent. I'm sure there are other ones but those are the ones I can confirm.

Red Hair What is the meaning?

it means you have freckles.

Red Hair What is the meaning?

Probably means your family passed down the genes for red hair to you. ;)

Red Hair What is the meaning?

I have no idea what your saying but I have red hair and love it.

Red Hair What is the meaning?

Um, red hair means red hair. It DOES NOT mean you are Irish or Ukranian because I have red hair and I am 100% German.

Red Hair What is the meaning?

I think red hair means that a person is firy and very loud and kinda mean. but i dunno really I have blonde hair and i am nice but sometimes I can be firy loud and mean. ive heard also that red heads are really good fighters.

Red Hair What is the meaning?

Expression of fiercely, goofy, loves attention, and most of all bad childhood.

Red Hair What is the meaning?

I know a lot of red heads(some of them in my family) and I can tell you to annoy people with their intelligence and to secretly over run the world with red hair and possibly freckles(they haven't agreed on that part yet.)

Red Hair What is the meaning?

In the early 20th century in US redheads were thought to have short tempers. (This may have resulted from prejudice against the Irish who are largely red-haired.)

At various times red haired women were thought to be seductresses, women of lose moral or exceptionally sensuous.

Red Hair What is the meaning?

um...doesn't red hair mean hair that is red?

Red Hair What is the meaning?

Well some people think that if your red-headed that you have a really bad temper, I have red hair and have a temper some times but my temper's not that bad. I'm Irish and I have a lot of freckles, also most people that have red hair have a really light skin complexion

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