Hi, my grandma is Chaldean and she is from the middle east (Northern Iraq). Her hair is red (which is VERYYY rare in the middle east). So I want to know where her red hair came from (seeing that red hair came from Europe). Did a group of Europeans once settle in Iraq who carried the red hair gene or something? I just really want to know.
My grandma has red hair and is middle eastern! Help?
I had this very discussion with someone yesterday.. You realize that Mecca and the arabian peninsula prior to becoming a sovereign country, used to be along the spice trade routes and muslim traders from all over, as far as china, and as western as europe, morocco, and from north as Russia used to come for hajj. These trips in the ages old took years to happen. Some of these peoples set up simple trade stalls to make money they hoped would fund their trips back, but instead, they married and remained in this country.. Some of these people are blond haired, white skinned, blue eyed people.. Once this country became a country, these people were included in the citizenship of Saudis.. So there isnt really a "national" race of just brown skinned arabs... You will see all over the middle east a mix mash of races in the arab world.. It amazes me when I see such a light skinned person speaking such fluent arabic and their families have been here for 100's of years.. True arabs now.. but just light skinned... So this is why you will find a red head in the bunch.. Plenty of them..
My grandma has red hair and is middle eastern! Help?
haha, i have an entire bread of arab cousins with red hair, and some more with blonde hair and blue eyes. a lot of people 100s of yrs ago would convert to islam and move to the mideast, so it could be irish, or german, or whatever.
My grandma has red hair and is middle eastern! Help?
She proabaly dyed her hair. Red is a popular color over there.
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