Monday, April 23, 2012

I wanna dye my hair red !!?

well my skin`s color is olive and i have long dark brown hair.

i need to know which degree of red best suits my skin color so it would make me radiant and not pale. and also what brand to use?? and should i add oxygen water or anything else to make my hair absorb the color more? and does red dye fade faster or is that a myth?? are there sites that have pictures for red hair styles and tones??

thank you and sorry for posting many questions

I wanna dye my hair red !!?

There are little samples that are in the aisle associated with certain boxes. Have a friend go with you and see which red tint goes best with your skin tone, I would think something in the medium red tints would do. Look for one that doesn't have lead in its ingredient list. I think it was Clairol Herbal Essence that didn't have lead in it. Lead is poisonous in large quantities so if you keep dying your hair after a while it's going to build up in your system. My friend is really pale and had black hair but dyed it with Egyptian plum and it looked really good on her. That's why I suggest the medium tints for you since you want to keep your olive skin tone.

I wanna dye my hair red !!?

you should do it

everyone should be one at one point in their life

anyways, dont do it yourself. go to a sallong or it will turn out bad (trust me, experience)

I wanna dye my hair red !!?

Don't dye your hair at all I would say.

I wanna dye my hair red !!?

ohhh darlingg.. do do it !!! my sister did it.. and had awful results.. dont do it yourselfff !!!!! A tint of red maybe... or burgandy or purple might look cool :P

I wanna dye my hair red !!?

Use a dark red--not quite maroon, but dark. It will show up best with your dark hair.

Do not wash your hair for 24 hours (minimum) before dying it. Do not put water on your hair before dying it. Dye it while it is dry. Leave it in for the maximum amount of time that the box recommends--trust me.

Red does fade pretty quickly. Use the shampoos and conditioners that are created for red hair.

Herbal Essence has a dark red shade that is fantastic. They are expensive, but worth it.

I wanna dye my hair red !!?

When you want to do it for the first time, you need to go to a beauty parlor to have your hair "stripped", I think. After that, you can do touch ups yourself.

I wanna dye my hair red !!?

No! you should not. If God created your hair brown leave it that way . God created everyone in his own Image. So therefore you should not. You are beautiful the way you are.

God Bless\


I wanna dye my hair red !!?

I have REAL red hair. Why do people want so badly to become a "ginger". I don't get it. Red hair is a pain in the a s s.

I wanna dye my hair red !!?

Try a nice dark auburn. I use a medium auburn. I suggest Preference by Loreal. You'll get a great shade from it and it's very long lasting. It will give you a very rich auburn color. I get tons of compliments on mine. I don't think mine fades any faster than any other color. I also don't use anything to make the hair absorb any better either. Loreal is great hair color.

Good luck!

I wanna dye my hair red !!?

i have olive skin (my mom is Cherokee) and I've died my dk. brown hair red.

It really depends on what shade you are going for. For the fire engine reds, you need to go to a professional, and they do fade out quickly. With the brighter colors, they use peroxide to lighten your hair before they color it to make it more radiant.

Usually, I've just used over the counter boxes. I look for the richest hue I can find and buy it in a permanent (not a wash out). It usually is pretty bright for a month and then it begins to fade. I never used anything special to dye it, I just left it on my scalp longer then the box recommended. ;-) Clairol Hydrience has some good ones and I also like Garnier with the avocado oils.

Good luck!

I wanna dye my hair red !!?

Start with Henna. There are lots of great henna colors available for brown hair. You will be hooked. You can purchase it from your local Indian grocery. Other than that I would not put anything into your hair. Henna is a natural product and will fade over time. It doesn't add any harsh products to your hair.

I wanna dye my hair red !!?

Thats cool i wanna dye my hair red too

I wanna dye my hair red !!?

Many beuaty supply stores have hair colorings that are designed for dark hair. Loreal Excellence Hi-Color is a good one to use (the best one I have found so far at least--my hair is naturally dark brown, have been coloring it red for more than 5 years now.) Before I found out about it, I was using colorings I bought at Wal-Mart, would have to redo my hair every month to month and a half, but now am able to go about 4 months before having to redo it.

I wanna dye my hair red !!?

I had the same problem and from the sound of it you and i are sorta similar as far as skin tone and hair go anyway well now i do have red hair and I opted for a dark red almost brown with some copper highlights that made the red pop. I had my hair professionally done and though it is expensive it is well worth it. If you do decide to go with a dark red I recommend you wash you hair with Aveda Madder Root Shampoo and Conditioner if you decide to go with a brighter red use Aveda Cherry Bark Shampoo and Conditioner. They seem expensive but they last forever if you wash your hair (every other day) as recommended by most professional (unless you have oily hair then you pretty much have to wash everyday). Hope that helps.

I wanna dye my hair red !!?

well i have red hair and it is more of amaroon conyack red because i am african american and i have had it is for a long time it actually is a rinse and it lasted a year red is very vibrant so it is hard for it to fade

i feal maybe you should try a rinse first

but i think you should get like a darker red

not burgondy but not orange i think dark red highlights might look good with you dark brown hair to be honest

good luck i hope you find the right color

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